I've never been to Comic-Con. Every year, I relish the hundreds of accounts of the convention in the media, watch as many youtube interviews and forums as I can find, and generally wallow in a hopeless depression until the event has passed. Maybe next year. What have we missed so far this year at ground zero?
The Beat has a couple images of the duplicate Nite Owl ship from Watchmen. According to director Zack Snyder, the steampunk garage-built ship has an eight track and a coffee maker. Check out a video of the inside of the ship at io9.
The Red Sonja poster was revealed, with Rose McGowan licking blood off of a blade all sexy-like. Although Robert Rodriguez isn't actually directing the film, it sounds like he's still running the show. Apparently, Rodriguez is under contract with the Weinsteins, and is legally unable to take up the Red Sonja helm, so his long time first assistant has moved into the director's seat. Sounds like we'll still be seeing Rodriguez's vision when the film opens. As for the star of the film, I love the 80's camp of the original Red Sonja, but I have no doubt that McGowan can act circles around the original Red Sonja, Brigitte Nielsen. I've seen Jawbreaker and a couple episodes of Charmed. McGowan's not that bad. Right? At least she didn't start dating Flava Flav, like Ms. Neilsen.
Apparently all the kids were losing it over the cast of Twilight. I've never read these books, and hadn't even heard of them until buzz began building up around the movie. I'm skeptical, but am willing to give this movie (and perhaps the novels) a shot. Besides, it has Cedric Diggory in it.
At the panel for Disney's Race to Witch Mountain (yeah!!), footage from Tron 2 was shared with the fans. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the footage, but check out this write up at Ain't It Cool News.
a tiny machine lives in mpls, mn and is the creative director of l'étoile magazine. she has never been to comic con. it haunts her. she tries to make up for it by hosting jagercon every tuesday night. send lavish praise to atinymachine@gmail.com. hate mail is also welcome, as long as it's funny and well written.
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